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Paths are the heart of the OpenVG API. All geometry to be drawn must be defined in terms of one or more paths. Paths are defined by a sequence of segment commands. Each segment command in the standard format may specify a move, a straight line segment, a quadratic or cubic Bézier segment, or an elliptical arc.

Segment Commands [8.5.2]

Reference points are defined as (all are initially (0, 0)):

The following table describes each segment command type and the side effects of the segment command on the termination of the current subpath.

VGPathSegmentCoordinatesImplicit PointsDescription (Side Effects)
VG_CLOSE_PATHnone-(px, py) = (ox, oy) = (sx, sy)
End current subpath.
VG_MOVE_TOx0, y0-(sx, sy) = (px, py) = (ox, oy) = (x0, y0)
End current subpath.
VG_LINE_TOx0, y0-(px, py) = (ox, oy) = (x0, y0)
VG_HLINE_TOx0y0 = oy(px, py) = (x0, oy), ox = x0
VG_VLINE_TOy0x0 = ox(px, py) = (ox, y0), oy = y0
VG_QUAD_TOx0, y0, x1, y1-(px, py) = (x0, y0)
(ox, oy) = (x1, y1)
VG_CUBIC_TOx0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2-(px, py) = (x1, y1)
(ox, oy) = (x2, y2)
VG_SQUAD_TOx1, y1(x0, y0) = (2 * ox ‐ px, 2 * oy ‐ py)(px, py) = (2 * ox - px, 2 * oy - py)
(ox, oy) = (x1, y1)
VG_SCUBIC_TOx1, y1, x2, y2(x0, y0) = (2 * ox ‐ px, 2 * oy ‐ py)(px, py) = (x1, y1)
(ox, oy) = (x2, y2)
VG_SCCWARC_TOrh, rv, rot, x0, y0-(px, py) = (ox, oy) = (x0, y0)
VG_SCWARC_TOrh, rv, rot, x0, y0-(px, py) = (ox, oy) = (x0, y0)
VG_LCCWARC_TOrh, rv, rot, x0, y0-(px, py) = (ox, oy) = (x0, y0)
VG_LCWARC_TOrh, rv, rot, x0, y0-(px, py) = (ox, oy) = (x0, y0)

Path Operations [8.6]

Create and Destroy Path [8.6.2]

VGPath vgCreatePath(VGint pathFormat,
                    VGPathDatatype datatype,
                    VGfloat scale,
                    VGfloat bias,
                    VGint segCapacityHint,
                    VGint coordCapacityHint,
                    VGbitfield capabilities)

Create a new path that is ready to accept segment data and returns a VGPath handle to it. The path data will be formatted in the format given by pathFormat, typically VG_PATH_FORMAT_STANDARD. The datatype parameter contains a value from the VGPathDatatype enumeration indicating the datatype that will be used for coordinate data. The capabilities argument is a bitwise OR of the desired VGPathCapabilities values. If an error occurs, VG_INVALID_HANDLE is returned. The scale and bias parameters are used to interpret each coordinate of the path data: an incoming coordinate value v will be interpreted as the value (scale * v + bias). The parameter scale must not equal 0.

void vgClearPath(VGPath path, VGbitfield capabilities)

Remove all segment command and coordinate data associated with the given path. The handle continues to be valid for use.

void vgDestroyPath(VGPath path)

Deallocate a path, releasing any resources associated with it. The handle becomes invalid in all contexts that shared it.

Query & Modify Path Capabilities [8.6.4]

VGbitfield vgGetPathCapabilities(VGPath path)

Query the set of capabilities for a path as a bitwise OR of VGPathCapabilities constants. If an error occurs, 0 is returned.

void vgRemovePathCapabilities(VGPath path, VGbitfield capabilities)

Reduce the set of capabilities for a path. The capabilities argument is a bitwise OR of the VGPathCapabilities values whose removal is requested.

Copy Data Between Paths [8.6.5-6]

void vgAppendPath(VGPath dstPath, VGPath srcPath)

Append a copy of all path segments from srcPath onto the end of the existing data in dstPath. The VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_APPEND_FROM capability must be enabled for srcPath, and the VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_APPEND_TO capability must be enabled for dstPath.

void vgAppendPathData(VGPath dstPath,
                      VGint numSeg,
                      const VGubyte* pathSeg,
                      const void* pathData)

Append data taken from pathData to the given path dstPath. The data are formatted using the path format of dstPath. The pathData pointer must be aligned on a 1, 2, or 4-byte boundary depending on the size of the coordinate datatype. The VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_APPEND_TO capability must be enabled for path. Each incoming coordinate value, regardless of datatype, is transformed by the scale factor and bias of the path.

Modify Path Data [8.6.7]

void vgModifyPathCoords(VGPath dstPath,
                        VGint startIdx,
                        VGint sumSeg,
                        const void* pathData)

Modify the coordinate data for a contiguous range of segments of dstPath, starting at startIndex (where 0 is the index of the first path segment) and having length numSegments. The pathData pointer must be aligned on a 1, 2, or 4-byte boundary depending on the size of the coordinate datatype. The VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_MODIFY capability must be enabled for path. Each incoming coordinate value, regardless of datatype, is transformed by the scale factor and bias of the path.

Transform Path [8.6.8]

void vgTransformPath(VGPath dstPath, VGPath srcPath)

Append a transformed copy of srcPath to the current contents of dstPath. The appended path is equivalent to the results of applying the current pathuser-to-surface transformation (VG_MATRIX_PATH_USER_TO_SURFACE) to srcPath. The VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_TRANSFORM_FROM capability must be enabled for srcPath, and the VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_TRANSFORM_TO capability must be enabled for dstPath.

Interpolate Between Paths [8.6.9]

VGboolean vgInterpolatePath(VGPath dstPath,
                            VGPath startPath,
                            VGPath endPath,
                            VGfloat amount)

Append a path, defined by interpolation (or extrapolation) between the paths startPath and endPath by the given amount, to the path dstPath. It returns VG_TRUE if interpolation was successful, VG_FALSE otherwise. If interpolation is unsuccessful, dstPath is left unchanged. The VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_INTERPOLATE_FROM capability must be enabled for both of startPath and endPath, and the INTERPOLATE_TO capability must be enabled for dstPath.

Length of Path [8.6.10]

VGfloat vgPathLength(VGPath path, VGint startSeg, VGint numSeg)

Return the length of a given portion of a path in the user coordinate system (that is, in the path’s own coordinate system, disregarding any matrix settings). Only the subpath consisting of the numSegments path segments beginning with startSegment (where the initial path segment has index 0) is used. If an error occurs, -1.0f is returned. The VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_PATH_LENGTH capability must be enabled for path.

Position & Tangent Along Path [8.6.11]

void vgPointAlongPath(VGPath path,
                      VGint startSeg,
                      VGint numSeg,
                      VGfloat distance,
                      VGfloat* x,
                      VGfloat* y,
                      VGfloat* tanX,
                      VGfloat* tanY)

Return the point lying a given distance along a given portion of a path and the unit-length tangent vector at that point. Only the subpath consisting of the numSegments path segments beginning with startSegment (where the initial path segment has index 0) is used. If distance is less than or equal to 0, the starting point of the path is used. If distance is greater than or equal to the path length, the visual ending point of the path is used. The VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_POINT_ALONG_PATH capability must be enabled for path.

Query Bounding Box [8.6.12]

void vgPathBounds(VGPath path,
                  VGfloat* minx,
                  VGfloat* miny,
                  VGfloat* width,
                  VGfloat* height)

Returns an axis-aligned bounding box that tightly bounds the interior of the given path. Stroking parameters are ignored. The VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_PATH_BOUNDS capability must be enabled for path.

void vgPathTransformedBounds(VGPath path,
                             VGfloat* minx,
                             VGfloat* miny,
                             VGfloat* width,
                             VGfloat* height)

Return an axis-aligned bounding box that is guaranteed to enclose the geometry of the given path following transformation by the current VG_MATRIX_PATH_USER_TO_SURFACE transform. The returned bounding box is not guaranteed to fit tightly around the path geometry. The VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_PATH_TRANSFORMED_BOUNDS capability must be enabled for path.

Draw Path [8.8]

VGfloat vgDrawPath(VGPath path, VGbitfield paintModes)

Filling and stroking are performed by the vgDrawPath function. The paintModes argument is a bitwise OR of values from the VGPaintMode enumeration, determining whether the path is to be filled (VG_FILL_PATH), stroked (VG_STROKE_PATH), or both (VG_FILL_PATH | VG_STROKE_PATH). If both filling and stroking are to be performed, the path is first filled, then stroked.

Path Object Parameter [8.6.3]

Values from the VGPathParamType enumeration may be used as the paramType argument to vgGetParameter to query various features of a path. All of the parameters defined by VGPathParamType are read-only.

Parameter nameParameter typeNotes
VG_PATH_DATATYPEVGPathDatatypeOne of the following: VG_PATH_DATATYPE_S_{8, 16, 32}, VG_PATH_DATATYPE_F
VG_PATH_BIASVGfloatSpecified through the vgCreatePath function
VG_PATH_SCALEVGfloatSpecified through the vgCreatePath function